Saturday, November 03, 2007

Days of week: The dont-care Tuesday..

No useful work has ever been done on a Tuesday (thats personal opinion only). Its a filler day, a small station of the yore that happens to fall on the track, but the train never stops here these days.

Just that kind of the day that people get through, otherwise they would'nt be able to enjoy the Friday of the week. Tuesday is of lesser evil compared to the scary Monday. Its the left overs clean-up day, a sequel in the Monday saga.

Before we write off Tuesday into the oblivion, we must some acknowledge significant events like 'Black Tuesday of 1929' or a more appealing 'Patch Tuesday' when Microsoft releases patches to cover up its blunders. Its astonishing, but they need to do it on the second tuesday of every month!

When I try to recollect the memories of Tuesdays of my life, I dont find many significant events. The only significant event that happened on this day was my birth, but I dont recollect it.

Tuesdays in the workplace were full of meetings; meetings means differences and conflicts, which conform to the Martian origin of this quarrelsome day. In the university, I have lectures right from 8.30 in the morning, which obviously disturbs my sweet dreams, as an unfortunate consequence, I have been found guilty of dreaming in the class.

The Tuesday evening is like autumn, though its cold you know that spring is round the corner. Tuesday evening is busy with my phone blowing away in frenzy. Weekend plans start budding in the minds of all homo-sapiens of the world.

Now while people are busy planning for the weekend, getting tickets for the gator football or stuff like that, I take your leave. But watch out for the next in the days-of-week series.


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